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The site for Everyday Heroes is live and voting is open through May 29th.

Vote for one of our own:

Roger Woods
Registered nurse, Danbury (Conn.) Hospital
Danbury Nurses' Union

Here’s the web link:

Roger Woods
Registered nurse, Danbury (Conn.) Hospital
Danbury Nurses' Union - See more at:
Roger Woods
Registered nurse, Danbury (Conn.) Hospital
Danbury Nurses' Union - See more at:

Dear WCHN Benefits Eligible Employees:

Did you know that there are information and resources readily available to assist you in understanding the benefits offered by Western Connecticut Health Network?

New WCHN Benefits Pocket Guide

Enjoy easy access to your benefits, get answers to your questions, access vendor websites, apps, phone numbers and more from your phone, desktop or tablet.

To quickly find information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, visit or scan here:

Onsite days with Aetna representatives

Representatives from Aetna will be available on-site to meet with


Check out the May/June 2016 Newsletter.

PDF icon newslettermayjune2016.pdf


The General Assembly adjourned its 2016 legislative session last night at midnight.  Attached is a tentative legislative session summary.  It outlines our wins and losses and probably represents 95% of actions important to AFT Connecticut and its members.  I will be updating this document as needed.

The General Assembly did not adopt a budget before adjournment.  A special session is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, May 12 to adopt a budget.  The negotiated budget between House/Senate Democrats and the Governor has not been printed, but the documents we saw yesterday public services and public servants by more than $800M and could result in a reduction of 4,000-5,000 state employee positions.  It would also slash municipal aid, putting strains on town and board of education budgets. 

Please contact your legislators and the Governor before May 12 and let them know that an austerity budget is not a solution for Connecticut’s budget shortfall. 

Letter to legislators:



Hundreds of the AFT's nurses and health professionals came to Washington, D.C., April 20-22 to raise their voices on the issues affecting frontline workers and their patients. The theme of this year's Professional Issues Conference and Labor Academy, "Where the Front Line Meets the Bottom Line," describes the challenges we are seeing today, said Candice Owley, chair of the AFT Nurses and Health Professionals program and policy council and an AFT vice president, in her opening remarks.