The General Assembly adjourned its 2016 legislative session last night at midnight. Attached is a tentative legislative session summary. It outlines our wins and losses and probably represents 95% of actions important to AFT Connecticut and its members. I will be updating this document as needed.
The General Assembly did not adopt a budget before adjournment. A special session is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, May 12 to adopt a budget. The negotiated budget between House/Senate Democrats and the Governor has not been printed, but the documents we saw yesterday public services and public servants by more than $800M and could result in a reduction of 4,000-5,000 state employee positions. It would also slash municipal aid, putting strains on town and board of education budgets.
Please contact your legislators and the Governor before May 12 and let them know that an austerity budget is not a solution for Connecticut’s budget shortfall.
Letter to legislators: