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There are many things wrong with the Trans-Pacific Partnership and with "Free Trade" in general: shrinking wages, job offshoring, threats to the environment and natural resources, food safety, digital freedom, access to affordable medicine, LGBT discrimination, and more. What hasn't been part of the discussion is how one constituency stands to suffer more than many of us realize: the world's women. And not just for obvious reasons of declining wages and lost jobs. Many of America's trading partners have laws in place blatantly discriminating against women and children, virtually legalizing

Patients before profits—our members know what these words mean better than anyone. We’ve seen corporations buy hospitals and then raise prices, cut staff and reduce essential services.

The Federal Trade Commission reviews these types of corporate deals to make sure patients don’t lose out in the process.


"This contract is how we’re going to be able to make our voices heard," said Beth Thomsen, a respiratory therapist serving patients at Danbury Hospital

Some useful information about the changes at WCTHN


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