Patients before profits—our members know what these words mean better than anyone. We’ve seen corporations buy hospitals and then raise prices, cut staff and reduce essential services.
The Federal Trade Commission reviews these types of corporate deals to make sure patients don’t lose out in the process.
Healthcare executives are putting together a record number of mergers and acquisitions. In my home state of New Jersey, two hospital corporations recently agreed to form the largest hospital chain in our state’s history. While they are spinning this to sound great, these deals too often result in higher costs for patients and a work environment where we are unable to provide the high-quality care our patients deserve.
The FTC was busy in 2015. It shined a spotlight on major deals across the country that were expected to harm patients. But the FTC needs additional investigators to make sure big business is not putting profits before patients.
In unity,
Ann Twomey
Health Professionals and Allied Employees President
Ann Twomey
Health Professionals and Allied Employees President